What You Need to Know About Personal Injury Lawsuits

According to Federal Judicial Caseload Statistics, personal injury claims grew by an astonishing 150% in 2021. In 2022, the National Safety Council reported 62 million documented US injuries.

You’re not alone if you decide to file a lawsuit for personal injury. You can also use statistics to inform your decision about whether to file a lawsuit.

– 90% of civil personal injury claims are settled outside of court.

– 90% of trials are in favor of plaintiffs.

– The time it takes to get a personal injury verdict can be between [removed “and”] years.

– Settlements for personal injury claims can take from 3 months up to several years.

What Can a Personal Injury Attorney Do for You?

Before you file a claim for compensation with the insurance company of the negligent party, it is wise to consult a personal injury lawyer.

A personal injury lawyer in Indiana can help you navigate the sometimes difficult legal path to justice and fight for fair compensation during the insurance claim process. Your lawyer can help you if you are unable to reach an agreement with the insurance company.

A personal injury attorney can be of assistance in many ways, including:

  1. Gather Evidence:

Your lawyer will collect any evidence at the accident scene, such as photos, videos, police reports, or incident reports.

  1. Explain the Litigation and Trial Process:

A lawyer will help you understand the personal injury lawsuit process and determine what steps to take in your case.

A personal injury attorney will tell you what to expect on each day of the court hearings if your case is heard. You can also get advice on the progress of your trial.

  1. File Legal Papers:

The filing deadlines for most court and insurance documents are strict. An attorney can make sure that all paperwork is submitted on time.

  1. Get a Witness:

You can have witnesses who witnessed your accident or the trauma that you experienced testify in your favor. A lawyer may also hire forensic experts such as doctors or accident reconstruction specialists.

  1. Hire Private Investigators:

A private investigator could also be hired by your legal team to gather evidence that will strengthen your case. An investigator might find similar accidents that involved the party at fault.

  1. Fight for You:

Personal injury lawyers will help you negotiate settlements and fight on your behalf if you have to go to court.

What Is the Process for a Personal Injury Claim?

You should contact their respective insurers before you decide to sue the parties who are responsible for your accident. You should identify the parties responsible for your accident and get their insurance and contact information.

You may have to contact several insurance companies if, for example, you were injured in a slip-and-fall accident or a product liability accident.

After contacting the insurers you need, you’ll receive a claim number and be assigned a claims adjuster. Your adjuster will be your point of contact throughout the entire claim process. You may choose to sue if a settlement is not reached.

This post was written by Okoye Morgan Jr., a lawyer with extensive knowledge as a personal injury lawyer in Tampa, FL. Okoye is one of the founding partners of The Black Law Company, specializing in personal injury law, trust and estate law, civil litigation law, and criminal defense. 

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